Monday, December 06, 2010

We have no choice

Actually, we do have a choice -- to let nature's limits force the change (not a pretty sight!) or try to adapt our ways, which will mean sacrifice but might help us avoid all out chaos.

This is fabulous! And where do they get these guys that can draw so fast?!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Youth learning about food justice

You don't have to go to California to take advantage of Bioneers; it's coming to Louisville and check out Beaming Bioneers if you don't live in the bluegrass state.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paddle for the Planet and Lady Gaga

Check out the TV coverage of Paddle for the Planet - a 518-mile canoe expedition down the Mississippi River from its source!

And Colby's latest slide show...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

People's Movement Assemblies to Culminate in Giant PMA in Detroit!

USSF People's Movement Assemblies: Easy as ABC! from US Social Forum on Vimeo.


A People's Movement Assembly (PMA) is a gathering of people (25, 250 or more!) who come together to identify community issues, discuss solutions, and commit to actions.

The Assembly is an organizing tool . . .

BEFORE the FORUM: Communities, movement sectors, and regions will gather, reflect, discuss, and articulate the big issues facing our world as well as explore strategic solutions and alternative practices. Communities make commitments at the Assemblies about how to get to the Forum, what to bring to the Forum, and what to bring back.

DURING the FORUM: Organizations will collaborate to hold Assemblies throughout the five days of the Forum to culminate in a national Peoples Movement Assembly on the last day.

AFTER the FORUM: Coordinated actions across the country! The Assembly process offers the opportunity to collectively create action plans and political directions for our movements in the US, our regions, and our local communities.

Currently Planned People's Movement Assemblies include:

- Border PMA, San Antonio, Texas, February 13, 2010
- Brownsville PMA, Texas, February 20, 2010
- Houston PMA, Texas, February 27, 2010
- Detroit PMA, Michigan, March 13, 2010
- Portland PMA, Oregon, May 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010