Friday, November 18, 2005

fair trade or buy nothing at all

If you've been hearing the holiday shopping buzz and are vainly trying to resist, at least you can go to the Rural Coalition's SuperMarket Coop to order your Fair Trade hams, wreathes and nativity sets. Using the SuperMarket Coop supports small-scale family farmers, ag coops, and artisan groups.

But do remember Buy Nothing Day - Nov. 25 (and Nov. 26 overseas), the day(s) after Thanksgiving. Here are some sites with information on that growing event.

Buy Nothing Day has indeed gone global. Here is the International Site -

And the UK site:

And even Buy Nothing Day Japan (with Zenta Claus) - Their NOTHING recipes and Insecure Store are neat.

This last one is from AdBusters, which puts out a "culture jamming" magazine that some of you may have seen. Quite provocative.
You can download clip art, stickers, posters, etc.

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