Why then am I not out on the street protesting?! And why aren't you? What is the expression about you don't know what you've lost until it's gone?
"With a smug stroke of his pen, President Bush is set to wipe out a safeguard against illegal imprisonment that has endured as a cornerstone of legal justice since the Magna Carta."
How could this be when Bush himself said in July 2003: "The United States is committed to worldwide elimination of torture, and we are leading this fight by example. Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right. Yet torture continues to be practiced around the world by rogue regimes, whose cruel methods match their determination to crush the human spirit."?
How do you spell hypocrisy? (or is it with 2 'c's?)
Do read Molly Ivins's
Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 - 2006)
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