But do remember Buy Nothing Day - Nov. 25 (and Nov. 26 overseas), the day(s) after Thanksgiving. Here are some sites with information on that growing event.
Buy Nothing Day has indeed gone global. Here is the International Site - http://www.ecoplan.org/ibnd/ib_index.htm
And the UK site: http://www.buynothingday.co.uk
And even Buy Nothing Day Japan (with Zenta Claus) -
http://www.buynothingday.org Their NOTHING recipes and Insecure Store are neat.
This last one is from AdBusters, which puts out a "culture jamming" magazine that some of you may have seen. Quite provocative. http://www.adbusters.org/metas/eco/bnd
You can download clip art, stickers, posters, etc.
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