Wal-Mart faces the largest class-action suit in history with 1.6 million women accusing Wal-Mart of discrimination, labor law violations, shipping jobs overseas, suppressing wages, and links to a powerful Chinese businessman allegedly involved in the weapons-trading arm of the People’s Liberation Army.
But the corporate crimes we hear about are less worrisome than the damage Wal-Mart’s business model has on the fabric of our communities.
To get those low-price deals on Tupperware, frozen pizzas and fertilizers, how do our communities pay?
Myth #1: Wal-Mart brings jobs. In fact, a new study reveals that five years after the entry of a Wal-Mart store into a county, total employment in the county remains unchanged. (Basker 2005) This means that all of the “new” jobs touted by the chain merely displace existing jobs. Net gain, 0.
Read the full article
And get everything you need for this month's High Expectations Week, including a Faith Resource Guide from the Wal-Mart Watch website
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